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September 09, 2024
Just a little while back, I had me what you might call a senior moment. Which is to say, the annual renewal of my online shop’s url - the digital address of my business’s website - caught me unwares, and so, I neglected to post my renewal, and without my realizing it, I lost my original url - which meant, I could no longer access my website - my online shop. And I was still paying for what I could not access.
As it turned out, what with my old url then up for grabs, someone somewhere applied for - and got - my old website address, and, on one otherwise fine day, when I attempted to log onto my shop - I was instead taken to what appeared to be a foreign web page, all of which appeared to be written in an oriental language - Chinese or Japanese, I thought.
Anyways, It was no longer possible to get to my online shop by accessing my former website address. Someone at GoDaddy informed me that if I wished to regain my old url - all I needed to do was to fork over a $60 fee. To be honest with you, this whole thing smacked of a scam. And I was definitely not of a mind to play along. And so, it was quickly apparent that I needed some sort of new business name, for which GoDaddy would be more than happy to provide a new website address, for a whole lot less than $60. So I went with that last option.
But I was not all that comfortable with what I came up with for a new company name - which was - "Photo JaiGieEse." Truth be told, I was never all that stoked up by “Photo JaiGieEse.” That new name popped into my mind all at once, and, since I needed a new bidness name in a relative hurry, I went with it. BUT, I continued to be unhappy with "Photo JaiGieEse," and, after some several days of intensive thought, along with a good deal of sho-nuff serious head-scratching, and a fair amount of time spent trying out of several different ideas and concepts, I decided that my new business name did not need to be all that different from my original business identity.
And so, my business. first known as “JaiGieEse PhotoArt” would, from this moment on, come to be known as “JaiGieEse PhotoGraphics.”
This new identity has an added benefit, beyond the fact that it’s clearly somewhat similar to that old, original company name. It also nicely points to the primary focus of my current online endeavors - photography and graphics design.
In addition to several book projects and graphic design projects I have on tap, I have been working steadily on restructuring my online shop's website. All this should come together soon - very soon.
You'll find my solution to this unexpected kerfluffle - fairly soon - at
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September 09, 2024 1 Comment
September 09, 2024
You should know that my earlier releases can still be had. Those titles include:
Fortress: A Photographic Odyssey -as always, is available in it's original deluxe hard-cover format, and we’re at work on an eBook editio, as well as a lower cost print edition.
The Thompson Family Album is now available in a lower-cost print format, as well as the previously available deluxe hard-cover, and we’re working on an eBook edition there, too.
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